Friday, January 8, 2016

Initial funding Achieved! Stretch Goals in Progress

We've made great progress in just a few days, and we're now crested the $4000 mark. The first stretch goal – Science and the Sea, featuring Manreia and the Discordian Sea – is firmly in our sights. We appreciate your contributions to date, but we're going to need continued help spreading the word about the project. Don't forget, as we hit stretch goals, your pledges become more valuable.

In the Media

On Wednesday night, Ross and John had a fun chat with the guys from Savage Bloggers Network. That's up on Youtube now, and worth your time if you're curious about the origins of the setting and some of our ideas for the upcoming book(s). We'd sure appreciate it if you could share the video on your facebook/twitter/google+ feeds, to let people know about the project. Link to the video:
This Sunday (January 10, 2016), Jason and John will be talking with talking with James Walls of Living 4 Crits in a Google Hangout at 9PM (EST). James is looking for "hard hitting" questions to grill us about Accursed (and likely other things, like gaming with our kids). I'm sure he'd love your comments and questions in advance, but there is an active chat during the hangout if you want to send us questions as we talk. Here's the link to the Hangout.
James is also in the planning process for a Google Hangout actual play of Accursed, hopefully to happen in the next week or so. I know I'm hoping to see that, and I'm betting a few of you would be interested in seeing and maybe even participating. If that's interesting to you, drop a comment into the Hangout link above.
If you know (or are connected to) another media outlet that we should be talking to, please let us know.
Again, if you're active on any internet message boards with users who might be interested int he campaign, please consider sharing the links with them.

Science and the Sea Artwork

We have commitments from Tanyaporn Sangsnit, and Paul Chapman to do the interior artwork for Science and the Sea. We've started to receive preliminary sketches on some of those, and I wanted to share them with you. I really loved Tanya's vision of the Stench Goblin for Manreia:

Stench Goblin
Stench Goblin
This ship struggling through the Discordian Sea by Paul was also particularly evocative:

Ship in a Storm
Ship in a Storm

A New Side Goal 

Over in the comments, backer John Beattie has requested that we find a better way to organize banes and other rules systems, to make them easier to use in game play. That seems like a great idea, so we've suggested that we could create a Black & White PDF/PoD compilation of the banes from the core book, all of our adventures, and the upcoming ebooks. We haven't worked out exactly how long that'll be just yet, but we're talking about 40-ish stat blocks. In the interests of functionality, we'd also include reference lists (with page numbers) for the setting's specific Edges, Hindrances, and Powers. This PDF will be a free bonus to all backers at the $10 level and above. It looks like we can make a print version of that available as a $5 add-on (shipping included) for any backer already receiving a print reward. Hopefully that sounds like something that would be useful to you.
Here's how we'll unlock it:
Our initial Kickstarter announcement on Facebook has already had 32 shares. That's fantastic, but we really want to make sure we can get the word out. Please give that link a share. If we can get to 75 shares on that post, we'll unlock the PDF version of the Accursed: Rules Reference Pack. If we can get to 125 shares, then we'll unlock the print version.
Link to Share:
That's all we've got for today. Thanks again for your support. I hope everyone's able to find some time to get in a good game this weekend!

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