Marching through Steppengrad in the winter is the kind of thing only fools and Accursed would even dare. Nonetheless, the battle for the soul of the world continues, and to fight the endless monsters of the Grand Coven, man-made monsters capable of belching destruction and death are just what the Order of the Penitent requires if the tide is ever to turn. The town of Dagerov is in possession of a batch of cannons that could be just the resource the order needs. Unfortunately, the town also needs those cannons—the Accursed must try to recover them, without dooming Dagerov. !--more-->
The Guns of Dagerov is a full length adventure for a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure follows a three act structure, while also providing details on Dagerov and its peoples in Steppengrad. It includes necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.
Here's a quick look at some of the artwork:

The Guns of Dagerov is just $6.00 in PDF from DriveThruRPG.