These are the Accursed—the Witchmarks burned into their flesh and souls transformed these men and women into monsters. Now, unable to return to their former lives, the Accursed wander the land, giving aid to those in need in an attempt to atone for past sins.
Light has failed, darkness is ascendant. Only those bearing the forms of monsters can stand against the tide of the Witches’ evil. The Accursed are this world’s only hope—they must learn to embrace their curse or to fight against it, and find some way to free themselves forever of their Witchmark.
The PDFs of the Accursed Setting and the Player's Guide (an abridged version) are both now available for purchase at DriveThruRPG. Here's a direct link:
Accursed at DriveThru $20.00
Accursed Player's Guide at DriveThru $10.00
The creative team is very excited to have released these books. They've been our focus for just over a year now, and it's very satisfying to have them available to the public. Coupon codes have already gone out to our Kickstarter backers, and we hope that they're enjoying the book.
We owe a tremendous thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout this process. That obviously includes close friends and family, as well as those who were able to offer financial support in the Kickstarter. It also includes the many kind individuals who helped spread the word about the project. Without your help in this way—whether or not you contributed financially—we never would have garnered the financial support we received.
Of course, we also do need to thank our artists, who were amazing to work with throughout the process. Here's the complete list of contributing artists:
- Jacob Atienza
- Daniel Becker
- Alberto Bontempi
- Sacha Diener
- Nikolaus Ingeneri
- Kamil Jadczak
- Rodolpho Langhi
- Tanyaporn Sangsnit
- Elif Siebenpfeiffer
- Jeff Preston
- Kevin Childress
We also want to thank everyone that helped out with developing and playtesting the setting. This included friends and family of course, but it also included many of the Kickstarter backers and numerous bloggers who analyzed the setting material and provided detailed feedback. Your insights were invaluable. Thank you for sharing them. We believe that this crowd-think made for a much stronger final product.
Finally, we need to mention our other collaborators, who have been instrumental in the process.
- Shane Hensley, who is wrapping up a 1-sheet adventure for an add-on project also wrote a great foreword to the book. His support has been wonderful throughout this process.
- Andy Chambers crafted a great introductory story, and we were thrilled to be able to include it in Accursed.
- Sean Patrick Fannon has been in steady communication with us about his adventure as well as the Shaintar crossover book that we're working on together. We very much appreciate his kind words and help in promoting the product.
- Chris Avellone, Rich Baker, Richard Lee Byers, Adam Jury, Colin McComb, Mel Odom, Sean Preston, and George Ziets have all been great to work with. Each of them has offered us a number of insights and great advice. There are many ways to succeed, but there are even more ways to fail. The collected wisdom has really helped us avoid quite a few missteps.
Beyond that, it's worth covering our next plans:
In the short term, we're focusing on getting the print on demand versions of Accursed available through DriveThruRPG. We're also working on getting the poker deck with the four alternative suits available. Both of these are in progress, but depend upon printers and shipping. We'll keep everyone as updated as we can. We expect to have the poker deck available within the next week. We're aiming for two weeks on the print on demand versions, but it is possible that the holidays could add in additional delays.
After that, we're working with our collaborators to get the various Kickstarter stretch goals completed and available. It's likely that the 1-sheets will be the first ones completed, but we're not ready to commit to a date or publishing order just yet.
Good gaming and happy holidays!
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