Over on their site, Pinnacle Entertainment Group just announced the formation of a Savage Worlds Adventurer Guild. If you haven't heard, click that link and check it out, then come back here, we'll wait. The long and short is that this program provides a way for anyone to publish and sell game materials using the Savage Worlds system on DriveThruRPG.
We think that's a great idea, but the system doesn't provide a built-in way for people to publish materials for settings that are already out there. We also suspect that there might be a few folks who dig Accursed and would like to be able to publish their own creations for it. This might include things like Banes, NPCs, adventures, or even entire Witchlines.
We'd love to see that happen.
If you're interested in writing Accursed materials for SWAG, drop a line to [email protected] and we'll get you straightened out.